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Personalise Your Home With Tram Scrolls

If you are uncertain what Tram Scrolls are you may well have been living under a 'home and decor' rock as over the last few years these stunning typographic pieces have firmly established themselves as the ultimate in customised / bespoke art for all occasions.

Based on the 1950's tram and bus destination signs, vintage tram scroll replica's can be ordered for almost every major city in the world (especially those that had trams)., they are also the ideal gift idea as they can be uniquely personalised, as can be seen on the site here.

Tram scrolls also add a touch of nostalgia to any home, as a time when buses and trams were the primary means of transportation – a simpler time, many would say. Scrolls were displayed on the outside of the trams to let passengers know the destination.

Even if your travel experience has been somewhat limited, there is no reason why you cannot travel in your imagination. Those far off places with magical names such as Paris, San Francisco, Rio de Janeiro, or Kiev can come alive on your walls with our top quality scrolls. A journey with the mind is, in some ways, even better than an actual visit as you have complete control over the outcome. View the full range here.

Our artwork can be produced using the original lettering found on the scrolls for a totally authentic touch, or you can choose our Multi-font, which is an eclectic blend of several different type styles. Black and white scrolls work well for many decorating situations, but we also off several colourful alternatives if you desire a livelier appearance for your scroll. Beige and brown or light blue scrolls blend perfectly with a muted room decorating scheme. Brightening up an empty wall is easy with one of our coloured tram scrolls.

Because we know that you will want your scroll to decorate your walls for years to come, we use only the highest quality materials when producing your personalised artwork. We use 100% cotton canvas to give your scrolls an authentic look – the rough texture works especially well in this regard, you definitely do not want an overly ‘slick' appearance for your scroll. If you run your fingers over the scroll, you'll be able to feel the canvas, which lends to its character.

Light is one of the greatest enemies of artwork, it can fade and discolour the brightest of colours unless care is taken. You will be happy to know that we use pigments that are highly resistant to the effects of UV light so that your scroll will look as lively in 10 years as it does the first day you hang it on the wall. As even the highest quality ink can still be subject to scratching, we coat our scrolls with a clear laminate.

Ordering is simple using a simple 2 step online service or by email or telephone for those with less time or internet savvy!

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