How to Cite Magazine References
- 1). Cite a magazine reference in Chicago style by using the author's name, the title of both the article and the magazine and the date. The footnote includes the page number and has the author's first name first. The bibliography puts the author's last name first and does not include the page number. For example: [Footnote] Tiffany Brown, "Summer Fashion Guide," Portrait Magazine, June 2011, 23. [Bibliography] Brown, Tiffany, "Summer Fashion Guide," Portrait Magazine, June 2011.
- 2). Cite a magazine in-text in MLA style by using the author's last name and the page number in parentheses. For example: (Brown 23).
- 3). Cite a magazine reference in the bibliography using MLA style with the author's name, the magazine and article title, the publication date, the page numbers and the medium. For example: Brown, Tiffany. "Summer Fashion Guide." Portrait Magazine. June 2011: 23-25. Print.
- 4). Cite with APA style in-text by using the author-date format. Put the author's last name and the year of publication in parentheses after the source is referenced. For example: (Brown, 2003).
- 5). Cite a magazine in APA style on the works cited page with the author's last name, the date of publication, the title of the article, the title of the magazine, the volume number (if applicable) and the page numbers. For example: Brown, Tiffany. (2011, June). Summer Fashion Guide. Portrait Magazine, 37, 23-25.