Business & Finance Electronic Commerce

Have You Got the Guts to Make Money Online?

If anybody had told me that making money online was possible I would have disapproved.
Until a few months ago I was so skeptical about the so called home based business especially the fact that you would be surrendering your details and dealing with people that you do not know and may never know who they really are.
It wasn't until I attended a couple of seminars hosted by the so called internet gurus that a veil was lifted off my eyes.
Since then I have become quite enlightened about different ways that people can earn money working from home.
I learnt that to do business on line you need 3 things that are: 1.
PRODUCT -information mainly in text video or audio 3.
TRAFFIC-people visiting your site without anyone of the three it would be next to impossible to succeed in the internet marketing business.
Being a mother, wife, a member of the worship team in my church, a leader of a group of Precious stones, as well as a full time registered nurse I find myself struggling to play all my roles in the 24hour day that God gave us.
The seminars I attended enabled me to realise that working from home could free up my time so much to do the other most important things in my life and be able to spent quality time with my loved ones.
I could still substitute my income or even replace it depending on what I want to do and how much effort I put into it.
I don't know about you but I am getting fed up of going to work because I tend to be (Just Over Broke) every month, this JOB thing is surely not my cup of tea.
Someone tells you when to eat, sit or stand, take a break, wake up, sleep, take your kids to school or not etc I WANT to be in control of my life.
After the seminars I have since taken a leap of faith , and like they say "faith without actions is dead" I have put my faith into actions and now have a website in my name and some products ...
yes products! One speaker once said that "if you have got the guts God has got the miracle" Even though I considered myself to be a newbie on the internet business I have dived into the deep waters of cyberspace but the good and most reassuring thing is I am not alone.
I have the help and support of the legends in the internet home business taking me step by step without spending a fortune.
They take me through some proven home business and work at home ideas and opportunities and show me how to implement them and believe you me it works.
Right now I have 6 streams of income on my site even though I do not own a single product, I enrolled into what is called Affiliate marketing where anyone, yes anyone can sell other peoples products for a commission or 100% profits even when you consider yourself a newbie.
I now know and am implementing some ways of driving traffic to my website and maximise on the profits.
By the way as soon as decided to become an affiliate I had a website , own domain name being hosted and functional in 24 hours exactly, yes only one day! What more would I want I am already in business but the good things is anyone can.
If I can do it so can you! Have you got the guts ? I do.

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