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How to Keep Paint Cans From Rusting After Being Opened

    • 1). Avoid working straight out of the paint can. Instead, pour the paint you're going to use for brushing into a separate bucket and work out of that. This keeps the rim of the paint can clean, so it's easier to close properly when you're done.

    • 2). Rinse the paint can lid until all the paint is cleaned off. Using a damp rag, wipe around the edge of the can, removing excess paint.

    • 3). Use a hammer to gently tap down the lid until it's tightly sealed. Don't whack it too hard--this isn't necessary and crimps the metal, allowing air to seep in and rusting the edge, making it more difficult to open later. Laying a block of wood or a rag over the lid before using the hammer will also prevent you from crimping the metal lid.

    • 4). Choose a cool, dry place to store the paint can. If possible, use a shelf rather than a damp garage or basement floor. Humidity and moisture cause rust, so the drier the storage area, the better. Store the paint can upside down. This sounds counterintuitive, but it works very well. The wet paint in the can will automatically seal the opening, keeping the paint fresh for years.

    • 5). Wipe a very thin layer of petroleum jelly around the rim of the can before sealing it if you live in a very humid area. This will help keep the lid from rusting shut.

    • 6). If the paint is being stored for a long time, check it about once a year. If the can has started to rust, it can be poured into a new can.

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