Home & Garden Do It Yourself

Bargeboards - To Repair or Replace?

Are your bargeboards looking tired and showing signs of weathering? If you are pondering whether you should repair or replace them, then it is almost always the best option to replace them.
This article explains why.
The Deception that a repair will be as good as replacement Repairing external timbre is usually only effective if you wash down the external surfaces every year.
This ensures that rot does not set in to the timbre, but usually home-owners do not carry out this task.
Therefore, over time, the timbres will deteriorate as they are exposed to the elements, and in this situation it is far better to replace them at this stage then to go through the hard and unguaranteed work of trying to repair them.
Undergoing repair work by yourself also exposes you to the dangers of working at height, and the asbestos that may be present within eave linings.
Cost Differences While you may feel that simple repair work will be more cost effective than replacement of timbres and barges, this may not be the case (especially in the long run).
Repair work will only last for a few years, and the supplies needed to keep up with maintaining the barges will quickly add up to the cost of the permanent solution of replacement.
It is better value for money hence to replace the bargeboards.
If you want to ensure the job is done properly, then it will cost more to hire a professional to do so, but the extra money spent is well worth it.
Advantages with Replacement A well-implemented replacement will insure that your barges remain in tip-top shape for years to come, and to keep them in pristine condition will require only a simple washing procedure every year or so.
The staining and protection of the timbre will remain for a long time, so you do not need to worry about this.
Flaws with Patching
  1. Matching timber species - it can be difficult at times to find the same timbre species which makes up the original barge and trims.
    It is best to contact your local timbre supplier to find out.
  2. Matching seasoned timber - The seasoning that was applied to your barge may be decades old, so it may be hard to find to correct matching shade of protective stain.
  3. Matching timber sizes - Again it is difficult to get a piece of timber that matches the previous one, and it is a real job to saw the timber correctly.
  4. Cracks- As seasons go by joins between the new and old bargeboard will begin to move and will form a noticeable crack.
Solutions The only real effective route to take with this is simply to replace them, and there really aren't many advantages to simply repairing them.
If you want to replace them, then it is highly recommended that you hire out a professional, to get the job done properly, to ensure quality, and a long lasting finish.
Good luck with your project and we hope everything goes fine.
Use the bargeboard replacement project as a learning experience and like with every other job there is always more than one way of doing the job.
It is often that people say 'next time I'll do it a different way'.

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