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How to Conceive a Girl - Best Intercourse & Penetration Tips!

There are many couples who are still looking for the best ways on how to conceive a girl. Are you one of them? I know some of the couples are paying thousand dollars to visit the baby gender selection's clinic. But is there really a 100% natural and effective methods that you can use to conceive a girl? The answer is Yes! In fact, almost 12,000 of couples have already used these methods.

In this article, I will discuss 2 tips on how to conceive a girl by knowing the actual days you should have intercourse. You will also learn why you should use a shallow penetration in order to conceive a baby girl.

Let start off by understanding the basic of the sperms. There are two types of sperms, which will greatly influence the baby gender selection result. In simple form, you will conceive a girl if the X sperm is the one to fertilize the egg. On the other hand, a woman will have a baby boy if the Y sperm fertilizes the egg.

Tip 1 - Pinpoint Intercourse Day:
Ok, we shall begin to discuss on how to conceive a girl by pinpoint the exact date for intercourse. Well, the first thing you must do is to calculate the actual date for your next ovulation cycle. Next, you should then have intercourse at least 3 to 4 days before this ovulation starts. The reason is that the Y boy sperms have a short life span, and they cannot survive for a very long period. By the time of your ovulation, most of the Y boy should be died off leaving behind the strong X sperms ready to fertilize the egg.

Tip 2 - Shallow Penetration:
How to conceive a girl using a shallow penetration? This style is, in fact, one of the best techniques that you should apply while trying to conceive a girl. This is because the man is actually releasing the sperms at the vagina's entrance. The vagina environment is usually acidic and most of the Y sperms are unable to survive in such an environment. Where else, the X sperms are stronger and most of them can survive through to reach the egg.

I hope the above tips can give you a better idea on baby gender selection. In fact, those two methods discussed are both very effective on conceiving girls. You can increase the chances to conceive a girl if you can also follow the steps carefully.

Read More Secret Methods Here: How to Conceive a Girl

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