Random Tips for a Great and Greener Garden
The garden is one of the most relaxing parts outside of the house.
It is where you can have short moments with nature.
But do you know that a great and greener garden can also contribute a lot towards the overall appeal of your house.
Here are some random tips that you can implement to make your garden one that shouts greener! Plant shade-giving trees.
Choose a spot where you can plant a shade-giving tree, one that in some four to five years can spread its branches to make you garden cooler.
Just remember not to plant the tree near rain gutter and roof.
Fallen dried leaves and branches can start the rotting of the gutter and roof and can eventually shorten their life span, While the tree is growing, make sure you are trimming and cutting branches to give more space for the branches to extend and grow.
This way, you are guiding the tree to be a better shade-giving species! Give some pharmacological value to your garden.
Do you know that your garden can be your first source of treatment for common diseases and ailments? By planting medicinal herbs and shrubs, you can make your garden a nature's pharmacy.
Plant some hibiscus and you have a cure for boils.
The leaves of Vitex negundo when boiled give you an instant cough syrup.
There are many other medicinal plants out there.
You just have to choose which ones to incorporate in your garden.
Make an edible garden.
If you are a kitchen warrior, then you will benefit a lot if your garden will be one that is green and edible.
You can make plots for mustards.
You can pot tomatoes, onions, and garlic.
Nitrogen-fixing rhizomes like ginger can also be a great addition.
The area of the garden where water and moisture is high can be allotted for Ipomea aquatic.
Other options would be cabbage, carrots, and broccoli.
With them grown in your garden, you'll have a fresh source of cooking ingredients.
Be sure to raise them the organic way! The garden is one of the exterior parts of the house that welcomes your guests.
In fact, from afar, it can readily speak of how you maintain and care for the other house parts.
A great and green garden can be a reflection of the inner beauty and appeal of your home.
It can suggest whether you are a good house owner or not.
How do you feel when you see a house that has a front garden which is like a forest jungle, or one with very tall weeds from where a venomous snake can possibly come out and bite you?
It is where you can have short moments with nature.
But do you know that a great and greener garden can also contribute a lot towards the overall appeal of your house.
Here are some random tips that you can implement to make your garden one that shouts greener! Plant shade-giving trees.
Choose a spot where you can plant a shade-giving tree, one that in some four to five years can spread its branches to make you garden cooler.
Just remember not to plant the tree near rain gutter and roof.
Fallen dried leaves and branches can start the rotting of the gutter and roof and can eventually shorten their life span, While the tree is growing, make sure you are trimming and cutting branches to give more space for the branches to extend and grow.
This way, you are guiding the tree to be a better shade-giving species! Give some pharmacological value to your garden.
Do you know that your garden can be your first source of treatment for common diseases and ailments? By planting medicinal herbs and shrubs, you can make your garden a nature's pharmacy.
Plant some hibiscus and you have a cure for boils.
The leaves of Vitex negundo when boiled give you an instant cough syrup.
There are many other medicinal plants out there.
You just have to choose which ones to incorporate in your garden.
Make an edible garden.
If you are a kitchen warrior, then you will benefit a lot if your garden will be one that is green and edible.
You can make plots for mustards.
You can pot tomatoes, onions, and garlic.
Nitrogen-fixing rhizomes like ginger can also be a great addition.
The area of the garden where water and moisture is high can be allotted for Ipomea aquatic.
Other options would be cabbage, carrots, and broccoli.
With them grown in your garden, you'll have a fresh source of cooking ingredients.
Be sure to raise them the organic way! The garden is one of the exterior parts of the house that welcomes your guests.
In fact, from afar, it can readily speak of how you maintain and care for the other house parts.
A great and green garden can be a reflection of the inner beauty and appeal of your home.
It can suggest whether you are a good house owner or not.
How do you feel when you see a house that has a front garden which is like a forest jungle, or one with very tall weeds from where a venomous snake can possibly come out and bite you?