Business & Finance Social Media

Lost Your Job?NETWORK!

The stock market has risen over the last few months, leading most of the American mainstream media to lead you to believe that the worst of the current economic crisis is over.
Okay, so the Dow has risen and Bernie Madoff has gone to jail.
On the other hand, if everything is supposed to be all better now, why is it that you're still spending most of your time checking your LinkedIn account to see whether the man you fired in your job as a Steak 'N Shake manager has gotten your old job? Or maybe you're the more judicious type, the kind of entrepreneurial spirit who sees that the opportunities of the Web 2.
0 social models are something that can and should be tapped and that, besides, you're too much of a busybody anyway to stay in one spot? If you have a marketable idea and a product that you'd like to push, the best way to start doing so is to take those social networking sites and use them for the exact purpose for which they were built: market yourself! The more you're able to make professional connections through these sites, the better your chances of building both a base of potential partners (say, advertising execs like your buddy Jim from college, who lost their jobs because the bank they worked for the last twenty years had been bought out by a British conglomerate who didn't think they needed it anymore,) and potential clients (like the census taker whose job was created to, you know, stave off the daunting unemployment numbers that would have sent the Dow back into a spiral had the feds not stepped in and created hundreds of thousands of door-knocking jobs).
All right, so call me cynical.
I can take that label for now.
But me, my time's already past.
You, you're reading this..
You're young, sending out your resume and posting a profile that's already equipped with links to your business, to the site you built, maybe even to your blog.
Perhaps all that I'm telling you, the fossil that I am, is just old hat.
I don't have to tell you about silly notions like backlinking or how the Web 2.
0 social models are built as ready-made advertisement machines and that right now, as the world built on the great Corporation collapses around us, the only survivors will be the ones with good ideas and uncanny abilities to build networks full of skilled, hungry professionals with nothing to lose.

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