Home & Garden Maintenance & Repairs

How To Adjust And Replace Garage Door Weather Stripping For Energy Efficiency

Your garage door weather stripping is very important because it keeps out the elements. For instance, hard rains that blow up against your garage door could make it through dilapidated weather stripping and cause water to accumulate in your garage. This can cause quite the mess. There is also the fact that cold weather can take a toll on items stored in your garage, even on your car. If you can keep out a lot of the cold air, you are doing your belongings a big favor.

But what do you do when the weather stripping is not doing its job? Unfortunately, it can become quite worn and this means that cold air and even rainwater can seem into the garage. When this happens, it is important that you do what is necessary to fix the problem.

Adjusting your garage door weather stripping

When adjusting your weather stripping, you are basically putting it back on its designated track. There are times that it will simply move out of place. All you have to do is put it back in its place, but start from the end and work your way around. This is so you dont end up with any strange bumps or bubbles. You want to make sure it is tight and straight so that there is no room for any weather to make its way in.

Just make sure that when you are making adjustments, you ensure that all weather stripping nails remain in their original holes or you will have holes in your weather stripping.

Replacing your garage door weather stripping

You can replace parts of your weather stripping, but what you will find is that you will be doing nothing but cutting and replacing. As you go, you will notice that more and more needs replaced, so you might as well replace the entire strip.

Garage door weather stripping kits are quite affordable. They have everything that you need to get the job done. Here is what you need to do to replace your weather stripping.

Raise your garage door to a comfortable level so that you can reach the bottom. Take a flat head screwdriver to pry up any nails or staples holding your garage door weather stripping in place.

Next, use a coarse sandpaper to smooth the edge. Make sure there are no obstructions in the way or your weather stripping could be rather bumpy. You want to use a wood sealer after this step.

Third, hold your garage door weather stripping at the end with one hand and start stapling it down to the bottom of the door edge with the other hand. As you do this, you will need to spread the weather stripping out as you go. If your kit comes with nails, you will be using those.

Lastly, just make sure your garage door weather stripping is installed correctly.

It is a rather easy process and you should really replace your weather stripping periodically to make sure you do not have any issues with it at all. Make it a regular part of your home maintenance.

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