Health & Medical sports & Exercise

Volleyball Training System Reviewed

Game Comparison: Volleyball and Basketball

Sport has greatly inspired us in many ways. You are molded to follow the footsteps of sport icons that made you believe that anything is possible through hardwork and determination. Because of that you aim to perfect each of your game and go beyond what you know. The positive lessons you've learned in sport emanate and can be appreciated in other facets of your life including work, school, and relationships.

Sports have truly established its importance in an average Joe's daily living. So choosing a sport is critical task that must be supplemented with proper information. Basketball and volleyball is sometimes an unfair comparison because of the difference in their game dynamics. However, they are likewise beneficial and revolve around a court, a net and a ball, making the comparison a meaningful discussion.


Most of the players who held a volleyball has been a basketball player, and vice versa. Generally, a person tries out one sport and bails out when he find the sport stagnant or unproductive. Volleyball players who chose to change sides find basketball more exciting because it includes substantial running, throwing and aerobic exercises. Basketball is also a sport you can play all-year long - even during winter season. However, you need to have a covered court in order to play the game comfortably during colder seasons.


Players who switched from basketball to volleyball also have some basic reasons to do so. Basketball is a physical game that allows player to guard their opponents in their effort to deny them a goal. Though checking and physical contact is illegal, when a player came rushing in with momentum, collision is imminent and unimaginable injuries is just a second away. Volleyball lacks this physicality because of the two nets that bounds the 2 teams.

Volleyball, however, doesn't lack explosiveness. The sports involve significant hitting and jumping making the entire body work vigorously.

The two mentioned sports is a team sport and need individual participation. They both create a positive impact in one's life. It's really up to you to weigh your choices.

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