Business & Finance Careers & Employment

How to Change Real Estate Offices

    • 1). Review your contract with your current real estate office. Determine if you have any contractual requirements to fulfill before changing offices.

    • 2). Visit your state's real estate department website. Determine if you must manage your license by logging onto your account with the state. Many states have systems where licensed agents sign up online to manage their licenses, such as informing the real estate department of office changes or classes completed. Look for information on the site regarding severing your license--the process of leaving your current broker.

    • 3). Request the severing of your license. While completing this act is typically the responsibility of your broker, it is your responsibility to initiate the process.

    • 4). Ask your new broker for the brokerage license number and branch number (if one exists) to complete your end of the process with the state. Log into your account (if you have one with the real estate department) and enter the information for your new office. If not, contact the state's real estate department.

    • 5). Inform your new broker when you have given your required information to the state's real estate department. Request that your new broker complete the process.

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