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15 Tips To Chase Away Scrapbooking Burnout

Are you suffering from scrapbooking burnout? Are your photos and scrapbooking supplies piling up and you don't have the motivation to create a single page layout? Here are a few ideas to help you cure your scrapbooking burnout.

1. Learning a new scrapbooking technique can cure your burnout. Just try a new technique on one page layout today.

3. Is your photograph backlog keeping you from starting to scrapbook? Just choose a single photograph to be your focal point on a page layout. Just starting can get rid of scrapbookers' burnout.

3. Clean out your photos. Why are you hanging onto blurred or poor quality photos? Give yourself permission to toss them, and watch your backlog shrink.

4. Your supply stash can bring inspiration. Organize your supplies, and see if you are inspired to mix embellishments or papers in a new way.

5. Your scrapbooking magazines are a great resource of inspiration. Read one today for review of the latest products and ideas for page layouts.

6. Take a scrapbooking course or workshop. This is sure to bring your some motivation.

7. Gather your friends together for a scrapbooking crop. There's inspiration and motivation in numbers. If you prefer not to set up a party of your own, check out your local scrapbooking store for a group crop.

8. Go shopping! Browse through your local scrapbooking store or craft store and get inspired by all the new products available.

9. Don't think you have to be perfect. Scrapbooking doesn't have to be complicated. Allow yourself to make mistakes and make simple pages. Not every page needs to be a work of art.

10. Sell or give away some of your scrapbooking supplies. Scaling down can help you overcome supply overload. Sometimes too many choices can keep you from taking action.

11. Don't try to take on too much. Are you trying to create a whole album in one night? Try to scrapbook just one page at a time.

12. Join a scrapbooking community online challenge. You can find these on message boards and forums. Competing with others may jump start your motivation.

13. Have you tried digital scrapbooking? Digital scrapbooking is becoming more and more popular among scrapbookers. It's certainly less messy than traditional scrapbooking.

14. Check out the message boards and galleries at online scrapbooking communities. The excitement of the members and seeing their ideas and pages provides plenty of inspiration.

15. Put your scrapbook albums on display. Let your family and friends enjoy your page layouts. See their faces light up as they appreciate your pages will motivate you to get scrapbooking again.

Try just a few of these ideas, and chase away your scrapbooking burnout today.

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