Murray The Nut Site Profile
Monthly Traffic: 23,045 visitors (as of 12/14/09)
Description: crudely drawn, hilariously funny webcomic with a sometimes black, sometimes blue sense of humor
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What Is "Murray The Nut"?:
Remember back in grade school when you would doodle in the margins of your notebooks?
Now, what if those doodles had accompanying word bubbles that were sometimes crude, sometimes off the wall but always hilarious? Well, then you were most likely Ethan Berlin, the cartoonist and mastermind of the demented and crude Murray The Nut.
Berlin describes the humor and the voice of the comic as that of a grown up who's still an 8th grader on the inside; a creature who can, "giggle about poop and sex at the same time that [he aspires] to be loved and figure out the world." That's probably the most eloquent way you could possibly describe one of the crudest comics on the web. Which is a very good thing.
Best of "Murray The Nut":