Home & Garden Pest Control

How Getting Rid of Fleas in Your House Can Be Done Simply and Easily and Without Costing a Fortune

In wanting help and advice in getting rid of fleas in your house, you may feel totally overwhelmed by sheer numbers and feeling pretty desperate, especially if you are in the midst of an infestation.
But, you are not alone and help is at hand that will enable you to get them gone quickly and efficiently providing you are thorough in your approach.
Getting rid of fleas in your house is not something that you will necessarily want to share or particularly broadcast but, far more people are having to do this than you might imagine, as we have become more pet orientated and live active, outdoor lives.
Psychologically I think that we immediately have images of being dirty and unclean at the thought of having them either indoors or on your cats, dogs, or even rabbit or chickens.
It really does not matter, clean or otherwise the deciding factor boils down to one thing and one thing only and that is food.
Fleas survive on blood and so most animals and humans too are the victims of choice to provide a good meal.
The life cycle of a flea goes through four stages from egg, larva, pupa and finally adult and as with most creatures they have developed some pretty amazing strategies that enable them to survive and procreate at the best possible times.
Most fleas will spend winter in the larva or pupa form as the best time for survival and growth for them is during spring or, if conditions are right warmer, wetter winters.
Although adults cannot lay eggs or survive without a blood meal they can live up to a year without feeding, which is a pretty sobering thought.
Which is why, if a house has been empty after a long holiday or vacation, that any eggs and larva that were left behind will remain in a state of limbo until a food source is available.
So, as soon you and your family and any pets return you can imagine the horror when all of these newly hatched adults emerge to feed.
To make sure you get them gone for good, it really is absolutely imperative that you 1.
Deal with and kill the adults and 2.
Stop the eggs and larva from developing further to cause you even more of a problem.
You can do this very easily by adopting a hard hitting approach and by putting down flea traps to deal with the adults and making good use of your vacuum you have that side of things sorted.
Using powders and sprays indoors they will deal with the eggs and larva too.
Your animals will need attention as will their bedding and using powders, drops and collars on them and putting their sleeping stuff through the washing machine on a hot wash you will be well on your way to getting rid of fleas in your house.

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