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5 Odd Facts About Numerology

Numerology is an ancient study of numbers and how they affect us. There are several systems of numerology from history including Chaldean, Indian, and Modern Numerology. Experts are called Numerologists and some are professionals who help others with readings and to make important life decisions.

Common numbers about an individual include their life path number, soul urge number, destiny or expression number, personality number, and attitude number. They are all easy to calculate and online calculators exist as well. You will even find plenty of sites offering free readings for the cost of an email address.

Here are five odd facts about Numerology that not many people know.

1)Modern Numerology is not modern at all. It is based on the teachings of famed Greek philosopher, mystic, and mathematician Pythagoras, who has been dead for a great many centuries. He is actually considered the father of Modern Numerology. Perhaps it is called modern because it is far more recent than other types? We may never know, but it certainly is more recent than Chaldean Numerology as one example.

2)Numerologists calculate several important numbers based on your full name at time of birth, the one on your birth certificate. It is considered to be your perfect name, one that summarizes everything about you up to the time of birth. Nicknames, married names, and others are not used for calculating these important numbers, however they may have some less limited effects. Sometimes actors and others will hire a professional numerologist when considering a name change, for example by marriage or for use as a stage name. Of course a great many actors do not go by the names they were given at birth.

3)Numerologists believe that nothing in the Universe is random. Everything can be explained by patterns, including why some people hate onions, why some men prefer redheads, and why some people prefer gin to beer. The simplest patterns are number patterns and all patterns can be reduced to numbers. All of your important numbers are single digit numbers or in rare cases double digit numbers like 11 and 22 which are called master numbers.

4)Many famous people living and dead have been serious believers of numerology, including Prince, David Beckham, Jim Carrey, the president of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Cat Stevens and Winona Ryder. These are the ones we publicly know about.

5)Numerology interest is at an all time in modern times now, which daily and weekly numerological columns appearing in several places.

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