Health & Medical Pain Diseases

Tough Times Giving You A Headache?

Get A Good Chiropractor, And Get The NEWS Hey, it's no secret that times are tough, and you (or someone you know) might be developing some health complications to go along with the wealth complications our society is facing these days.
There's a lot of stress out there, and though some stress is okay (and necessary), an out-of-balance excess of stress can cause a lot of trouble for your vitality.
And one of the most common stress-related maladies is the onset of chronic tension headaches.
I'm blessed to be a very-rare sufferer of any kind of headache (my back is killing me at the moment, though, so maybe that's my body's special way of buckling under stress).
But many of my clients and colleagues do complain of frequent and severe headaches.
Whether you own a business, work in a factory or phone room, or are just an invester trying to decode the "new" economy, stress is high these days.
And you can't take care of your business, whatever it is, when your head is throbbing.
Even a low-grade headache takes you off your game, and none of us can afford to be at less than our best these days.
So what do you do to fight your headaches? Got some good drugs? Well, it might interest you to know that, a few years ago, researchers conducted a major study comparing two different forms of treatment for chronic tension headaches.
As reported in the Journal of Manipulative Physiotherapy (say THAT ten times, really fast), spinal manipulation - the kind of treatment you get from a good chiropractor - beats pharmaceuticals hands-down when it comes to stopping that pounding in your brain.
The study compared two groups of chronic headache sufferers (as such studies often do).
One underwent pharmaceutical treatments, and the other, spinal adjustments.
Then they stopped the study and looked at both groups again, four weeks after their courses of treatment had ended.
The group who'd used the drugs were back where they started - no improvement from the baseline set before the study - but the group who'd been to the bone doctor were in much better shape.
Their headache intensity dropped an average of 32 percent, frequency of their headaches dropped 42 percent, and their overall "functional health status" was up 16 percent.
And remember, this was four weeks after treatments had ended.
How much better could you run your business or undertake your mission if your overall vitality was 16 percent higher than it is now? If you're a chronic headache sufferer, how much better would things be if you had four-out-of-ten fewer brain-bangers, and when you had them, they were a third less punishing? Stick with your chiropractic treatments (without taking four weeks off), and those numbers might be even better.
Dramatically better.
So find a good chiropractor.
I see mine once a month, whether I need to or not.
I goofed up my back a few days ago, as I mentioned, but that's extremely rare even under times of huge stress...
my next appointment with my fabulous bone doc will be one of the few during which I'll have to report any kind of pain.
And to keep your vitality at its best, get some personal discipline on the five key daily health habits I call The NEWSS: Nutrition, Exercise, Water, Sleep, and Supplements.
Keep your body's systems running smoothly, and your business (which depends on you) will be better off.
And keep your frame in shape with periodic chiropractic treatment.
It can make a real difference to your health, your wealth, and your chance to lead an inspired life on this Earth.

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