Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

How to Stop Your Puppy From Biting in 6 Easy Steps

Puppies that bite may turn into dogs that bite.
And while it's cute when they're small it can be a major problem when they're older and stronger.
If you want to have an older dog that won't bite and nip, you should begin a consistent training routine as early as possible.
Follow these simple steps: 1) You should begin training you puppy that biting is wrong from the day you get her from the breeder 2) For your puppy to understand that biting is wrong, you have to teach her that biting hurts you.
So if your puppy bites or nips at you, give a sharp "no" or a yelp (like a dog would make if he gets hurt).
3) Don't jerk your hand quickly if your puppy bites but remove it slowly and provide your puppy with a toy.
4) If your puppy insists on biting, repeat your sharp "no" but this time you also leave the room.
This will teach your puppy that if he continues to bite he will loses play time.
This also mimics the reaction of his littermates.
5) Just like you punish bad behavior, you have to reward your puppy's good behavior as well.
When a plays gently and doesn't bite then be sure to give him lots of praise.
6) Socialize your puppy with other dogs.
Puppies learn valuable lessons when playing with each other and will further reinforce the limitations of rough play.
Make sure that everyone who interacts with the pup follows these steps.
Consistency is a major key to success when it comes to puppy training.

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