Outburst II Rules
- To play Outburst II the players must be divided into two teams and both teams are to place their tokens at the start of the game board. Each team should choose six Outburst cards and place them along the outside edge of the board. Below that line of cards, teams should place six ReverseBurst cards. Then, teams should choose eight more Outburst cards and should place them inside of the Challenge envelope. The envelop goes in the center of the board.
- Someone from the first team up chooses an Outburst card and hands it to the scorekeeper. A scorekeeper from the team that isn't starting the first round flips over the timer and calls out the topic. The first team calls out words that they think may be on the list on the card. As the first team guesses a word right, the scorekeeper checks it off. When the timer runs out, the scorekeeper reads all the words that the first team missed, tallies up the number of correct guesses and moves the token forward according to that number.
The roles reverse as the second team plays the round. The game continues this way until all six Outburst cards are gone. - In the ReverseBurst round, the team that goes second picks a scorekeeper for the first turn. The scorekeeper flips the timer and reads the first target answer on the card. The first team tries to guess what the topic word is and if it is too difficult, they may ask for another target answer. If the topic answer is guessed before the timer runs out, the team's score for that turn is calculated by subtracting the number of target answers given from 10. The token is moved that many spaces and it's the other team's turn.
- For this round the team that is losing begins. The winning team partially slides a card out of the Challenge envelop so only the topic word can be seen and the losing team bets on how many target answers they think they can guess before time runs out. The winning team may raise the bid by claiming to be able to guess more of the answers. The game begins and if each team hits the number they bet on, their tokens are moved that many spaces. If they fail, the opposing team's token is moved that many spaces forward. At the end, the team token farthest along the board wins the game.