Ayurveda's Ray of Hope to Alzheimer's Disease
Alzheimer's is widespread, affecting 10% or more of those over age 65 and nearly half of those over age 85. Slightly more Women than Men have Alzheimer's disease. Its increasing prevalence has led to call Alzheimer's "The Disease of the Century."
The Signs & Symptoms of Alzeimer's Disease are: Physical: Impaired movement or coordination; Muscle rigidity, shuffling or dragging feet while walking; Insomnia or disturbances in sleep patterns; Weight loss; Incontinence; Muscle twitching or seizures etc.
Psychological : Memory loss, including not recognizing friends and family members; Difficulty concentrating; Difficulty comprehending words, completing sentences, or finding the right words; Loss of familiarity with surroundings, wandering aimlessly; Depression; Hallucinations, delusions, and psychosis; Aggression, agitation, anxiety, restlessness; Accusatory behaviors (such as accusations of spousal infidelity); Withdrawal, disinterest, hostility, loss of inhibitions etc.
According to Ayurveda, all the diseases are caused due to imbalances of the three Humours (Vata, Pitta & Kapha) in the body. Alzheimer's disease is due to imbalance of Vata, which is common in old age. According to Ayurvedic principles, Vata in the tissues of nervous system, especially brain gets imbalanced. This directly leads to problems like lower levels of co-ordination, clear thinking, lack of inhibitions and retarded words and Actions.
Mano vaha srotas or the mind-channel that carries thoughts is affected due to vitiation of Vata. This is the reason for Delusions and Mental disturbances. Ayurveda too offers some assistance in helping a person live with Alzheimer's.
The Line of Treatment Advocated in the Management of Alzheimer's is:Mrudhu Shodhanam (Letting the Toxins out of the body by means of PANCHAKARMA CHIKITSA- Ayurveda's Detoxification Procedures mainly Navana Nasyam, Niruha Vasthi and Anuvasana Vasthi etc.), Shamanam (Management of the disease by giving Internal Medicines mainly- Vacha, Bramhi, Jatamamsi, Shankhapushpi and other Medhya Herbs), Shiro Vasthi, Ksheera Dhara & Takra dhara etc. Pranayama & Satwavajaya Chikitsa Yoga helps them a lot.
In the early and middle stages of Alzheimer's disease, people with the illness may be painfully aware of their intellectual failings and what is yet to come. At this stage and throughout the course of the illness, it's vitally important to support their mental and emotional well-being.
We give the Best Treatments for "Alzheimer's" with High Success Rates at Dr. Kranthi's Institute of Ayurvedic Sciences & Research, The Kerala Ayurvedic Care, Speciality Panchakarma Centre, 3-6-101/1, St No: 19, Basheerbagh, Hyderabad-29. Contact Dr Kranthi R Vardhan on 9246166636 for Appointments, Evaluation and Treatments. Visit us at www.ayursages.com or write to us at info@ayursages.com.
The Signs & Symptoms of Alzeimer's Disease are: Physical: Impaired movement or coordination; Muscle rigidity, shuffling or dragging feet while walking; Insomnia or disturbances in sleep patterns; Weight loss; Incontinence; Muscle twitching or seizures etc.
Psychological : Memory loss, including not recognizing friends and family members; Difficulty concentrating; Difficulty comprehending words, completing sentences, or finding the right words; Loss of familiarity with surroundings, wandering aimlessly; Depression; Hallucinations, delusions, and psychosis; Aggression, agitation, anxiety, restlessness; Accusatory behaviors (such as accusations of spousal infidelity); Withdrawal, disinterest, hostility, loss of inhibitions etc.
According to Ayurveda, all the diseases are caused due to imbalances of the three Humours (Vata, Pitta & Kapha) in the body. Alzheimer's disease is due to imbalance of Vata, which is common in old age. According to Ayurvedic principles, Vata in the tissues of nervous system, especially brain gets imbalanced. This directly leads to problems like lower levels of co-ordination, clear thinking, lack of inhibitions and retarded words and Actions.
Mano vaha srotas or the mind-channel that carries thoughts is affected due to vitiation of Vata. This is the reason for Delusions and Mental disturbances. Ayurveda too offers some assistance in helping a person live with Alzheimer's.
The Line of Treatment Advocated in the Management of Alzheimer's is:Mrudhu Shodhanam (Letting the Toxins out of the body by means of PANCHAKARMA CHIKITSA- Ayurveda's Detoxification Procedures mainly Navana Nasyam, Niruha Vasthi and Anuvasana Vasthi etc.), Shamanam (Management of the disease by giving Internal Medicines mainly- Vacha, Bramhi, Jatamamsi, Shankhapushpi and other Medhya Herbs), Shiro Vasthi, Ksheera Dhara & Takra dhara etc. Pranayama & Satwavajaya Chikitsa Yoga helps them a lot.
In the early and middle stages of Alzheimer's disease, people with the illness may be painfully aware of their intellectual failings and what is yet to come. At this stage and throughout the course of the illness, it's vitally important to support their mental and emotional well-being.
We give the Best Treatments for "Alzheimer's" with High Success Rates at Dr. Kranthi's Institute of Ayurvedic Sciences & Research, The Kerala Ayurvedic Care, Speciality Panchakarma Centre, 3-6-101/1, St No: 19, Basheerbagh, Hyderabad-29. Contact Dr Kranthi R Vardhan on 9246166636 for Appointments, Evaluation and Treatments. Visit us at www.ayursages.com or write to us at info@ayursages.com.