Health & Medical Acne

If Acne Is The Bane Of Your Existence, Discover Simple Steps To Help You Eliminate Acne Naturally

Acne or its technical term acne vulgaris is the bane of most people's existence whether it is a single pimple or the more severe pustules and cysts that can form on someone's face and affect both young and old alike. There are many ways to eliminate acne from various medications to natural remedies and because people's skin is different, one method may work for one but not for another person and a lot of trial and error may be required to find the perfect solution to acne.

Eliminate Acne Naturally

1. The first step to start to eliminate acne naturally is to get a skin evaluation from a skin professional or using various tools to determine what skin type you possess. Most skin types fall into normal, combination, oily, dry and sensitive skin categories. Learning what skin type you have will allow you to use products that are tailor made for your particular skin. Acne is usually prevalent with oily and combination skin types and learning to control the oil production using suitable products is the best way to eliminate acne.

2. A condition known as acne cosmetica is usually related to the cosmetics used so it is important that in order to eliminate acne if you suffer from acne, is to make sure that the facial makeup, creams, lotions, etc, that you use are noncomedogenic, hypoallergenic and nonacnegenic because they will not clog your pores leading to the development of acne and will not cause allergies.

3. Ensure that you keep hydrated on a daily basis in order to help you eliminate acne naturally. Being properly hydrated will allow your body to eliminate various toxins that may clog your skin from the body leading to breakouts.

4. Get enough shut eye at night. Eight hours of sleep at night is especially important for your overall health and well being and is an easy step to implement if you wish to start eliminating problems with acne naturally. A lack of adequate sleep usually shows in people's skin.

5. Stress is known to aggravate skin conditions including acne so if you wish to eliminate acne naturally, start by learning to manage your stress levels. Meditate, walk, use aromatherapy, yoga, reiki, etc, are all great ways to reduce or eliminate stress.

6. Treat your skin gently during the cleaning process. While exfoliation is important to remove dead skin cells that may clog pores if not removed leading to acne development, it is important to use gentle scrubs and other exfoliation products. Over exfoliation of the skin will lead to dry skin and induce excessive oil production which is what you are trying to avoid so that you can eliminate acne. Be gentle when exfoliating using a gentle tool and/or product a few times a week using products suitable for your skin so as not to aggravate your skin.

7. Invest in good supplements such as those containing vitamin A, cod liver oil, zinc, evening primrose oil, borage oil, etc which have been shown to help eliminate acne in many cases. If you suffer from mild adult acne, consider investing in evening primrose oil and taking about 1 tablespoon of cod liver oil per day.

8. If you are sensitive to iodine commonly found in liver, fish, corn, shellfish, white onions, milk, beef, asparagus, etc, this may lead to the accumulation of excessive amounts of iodides which are then eliminated by the body through the skin which aggravates acne. If you have this sensitivity to iodine, consider eliminating these foods, supplements, or certain birth control pills from your life and see whether your acne is improved.

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