Insurance Auto Insurance & Registration

Car Insurance: Full Coverage Defined


    • Comprehensive insurance covers loss and damage to your vehicle due to incidents other than an accident, such as theft, fire and natural disaster.


    • This insurance company will cover damage to your vehicle from an accident with this type of coverage. If your car is damaged from hitting a pothole, for example, collision will cover this as well. If you select a higher deductible on collision insurance, your premium will be lower.

    Property damage and liability

    • This covers the other person's car and property if you are at fault in an accident. If you hit a lamppost or telephone pole, you will also be covered.

    Bodily injury

    • This covers injuries to another person if you are at fault in the accident. The Insurance Information Institute suggests you get more than the state minimum in order to cover claims if you are sued.

    Uninsured and underinsured motorist

    • If you are the victim of a hit-and-run or hit by someone who is either uninsured or has insufficient insurance to cover your damages, you will be covered by the uninsured/underinsured portion of your auto policy.

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