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How to Work a Kobo eReader

  • 1). Charge your Kobo eReader with the USB cable provided. You will need to plug the cable into your computer to charge your eReader. The status light at the top right of the eReader screen will change to blue when the device is fully charged. Most Kobo eReaders will charge completely in three hours. While your eReader charges, you can read books by using the navigational key on the bottom of the device.

  • 2). Press the "Power" button on the top edge of the eReader to turn it off or on.

  • 3). Press the "Menu" button on the left side of the eReader to navigate through your books and documents. Choose "Books" to read books, "Documents" to read PDF files and "News & Mags" to view magazines and newspapers to which you subscribe. Use the five-way navigational key to maneuver through the list and to select an item to read.

  • 4). Charge your Kobo eReader when you see a message on the screen alerting you that the battery is low.

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