Erythropoietin Injection Is Beneficial To Cure Anemia Patient
Erythropoietin (EPO) injection is used in many patients in modern generation because the populations having majority of anemia patients have increased extremely. Such patients have limited numbers of red blood cells in their body. Red blood cells (RBC) play an effective role in human's body by carrying blood to all parts of body which is highly efficient to supply oxygen throughout the body. Anemia is caused to those patients mostly, who are suffering from cancer disease or kidney disorder. It has been also observed that even if a patient is taking the treatment to recover from such problematic diseases, still there are chances to get anemia disease. Anemia also results due to red blood cells destruction by the body, diminished red blood cells production by bone marrow, or excessive bleeding. It is known to be the most common effect of high dose of chemotherapy. To block this disease in anemia patient, it is recommended by the physician to take the dose of erythropoietin drugs using injection. It is a therapy of injecting under the skin of the patient, which consist of erythropoietin drugs.
Taking the injection using this drug has certain rules to follow, so it is better that a patient let doctor to do this procedure. Before taking its dose, doctor would take the blood tests for the purpose to monitor the present health of the anemia patient. The most important thing to know is that up to 60 to 70 percent people taking the cancer treatment takes the dose of this injection. For safety measure, it is a good step to mention the healthcare provider about any chronic or acute disorder that a patient is affected by. These diseases include- uncontrollable blood pressure problems, seizures, or any conditions related to the heart. Even, it is known to be much clever decision to inform the doctor about the treatments taken of any of the above specified disease. If a patient taking the dose of this drug is infected or taking less protein in his regular diet, then it would decrease its effect on body. The dosage of this medication begins with 25 to 50 IU per kg, which is given using injection 2 to 3 times in a week. After 4 weeks of period, the dosage power is incremented by 25 IU per kg.
The continuation of this treatment should be stopped if hypertensive encephalopathy is generated. The benefit of this drug is that it also works in animals such as dogs and cats. Taking the dose of erythropoietin injection by an individual itself is not considered as a difficult task if a proper procedure of it is followed.
Taking the injection using this drug has certain rules to follow, so it is better that a patient let doctor to do this procedure. Before taking its dose, doctor would take the blood tests for the purpose to monitor the present health of the anemia patient. The most important thing to know is that up to 60 to 70 percent people taking the cancer treatment takes the dose of this injection. For safety measure, it is a good step to mention the healthcare provider about any chronic or acute disorder that a patient is affected by. These diseases include- uncontrollable blood pressure problems, seizures, or any conditions related to the heart. Even, it is known to be much clever decision to inform the doctor about the treatments taken of any of the above specified disease. If a patient taking the dose of this drug is infected or taking less protein in his regular diet, then it would decrease its effect on body. The dosage of this medication begins with 25 to 50 IU per kg, which is given using injection 2 to 3 times in a week. After 4 weeks of period, the dosage power is incremented by 25 IU per kg.
The continuation of this treatment should be stopped if hypertensive encephalopathy is generated. The benefit of this drug is that it also works in animals such as dogs and cats. Taking the dose of erythropoietin injection by an individual itself is not considered as a difficult task if a proper procedure of it is followed.