How to Be Popular in a New School
- 1). Smile at everybody. A friendly smile goes a long way. It tells someone that you are happy to see them. It invites them to come talk to you. It also inspires others to smile back. A smile can help you feel better even if you have to fake it at first. It will become real as you make people happy, and those people will make you happy in return.
- 2). Sign up for all the clubs that interest you. But don't go on a mad club-joining spree simply to make friends or you'll end up overloading yourself and having no time for the friends that you make. Clubs allow you to meet new people, get yourself more well-known and try new things. Club involvement also looks great on those future college applications.
- 3). Run for student office. Even if you do not win, you will meet others on the campaign trail. You will have a chance to voice your beliefs and hopes for the school and you will even get your name out there for more recognition.
- 4). Be kind. Treat others how you would like to be treated. Emulate admirable actions and mean them.
- 5). Teach others how to treat you. Simply determine how you want to be treated and don't put up with anything less. Self-respect goes a long way to gaining popularity.
- 6). Attend school functions and dances with your friends. Even if you don't have a boyfriend, you shouldn't sit out a chance to hit the school social scene.
- 7). Be yourself. Enduring popularity will come from an acceptance of who you really are. If you change who you are to fit in, you will likely be unhappy.