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How to Hang Gutter Hangers

    • 1). Snap a chalk line to run the gutters along. If the run is 35 feet or less, your starting point is one inch below the fascia. You will slope the line down 1/4 inch for every 10 feet of gutter to the low end where you will install the downspout. Mark the starting point and the low point and snap the chalk line between them.

    • 2). Snap two chalk lines. If you gutters will run longer than 35 feet, have your starting point in the center and run your slope out to each side. This will require a downspout on each end of the gutter. Mark the start point one inch down from the fascia, directly in the center of your run and the low points at each end.

    • 3). Attach gutter hangers with 1 1/4 inch deck screws to the fascia starting about 1 inch from the end of the roof. Follow the chalk line and place one every 24 inches. Place a hanger at the other end 1 inch away from the roof also even if the span is less than 24 inches.

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