Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

Canine Feet Problems


    • Symptoms of canine foot problems include excessive chewing and licking of the paws, red or swollen paws, torn/fractured nails or wounds on paws.


    • Canine foot problems can be caused by cysts; dry skin; allergies; injuries to the paws; over-grown toenails or nail problems; and fungal, bacterial or viral infections.


    • Your veterinarian will perform a physical examination of the foot and the dog's body. Other diagnostic procedures may include blood tests and biopsies of any growths on the foot.


    • Depending on the cause of the problem, treatment may include antibiotic or antifungal medication, nail grooming or removal of nails, removal of foreign objects from the paw, moisturizing the paw, and treatment of open wounds on the paw.


    • Some canine foot problems are the result of an underlying medical condition, such as a food allergy. In this case, treatment of the underlying condition is also required to fully improve your dog's condition.

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