Husband and Wife Haunted by Triangle UFO
Routine Trip to Grocery Store
In 1988, and a man and wife had an incredible sighting in Salem, Oregon. Because of the perception of the general public, it was many years before they told anyone about what they saw on a cold, fall night. Normally, when they looked above they only expected to see the usual stars, and occasional airplanes pass in the night.
They stated that they had become players in a scenario that they had only read about happening to other people, and they were not sure just how reliable these types of reports were.
What they saw literally changed their view of life itself, and opened their minds to possibilities they had never imagined before.
The husband and wife were on a routine errand run on a clear, starry night, returning from the grocery store. They were heading northbound on Fisher Road, the area being mainly a residential section of Salem. As they drove toward home, something caught their eye. It was hovering above the nearby freeway.
Couple Pulls to Side of Road
At first sight, they thought that the object was most likely a traffic helicopter, a fairly uncommon site in that neck of the woods. But, as they drove closer they realized it was not a helicopter, or any other common flying vehicle. Intrigued by the uniqueness of the unknown craft, they pulled over on the shoulder of Fisher Road to get a better look.
The first thing the husband did was listen for the sound of an engine. There was none. The object was only about 200 feet away from them, and any type of engine would have been easily been heard at that distance.
He was baffled. He could see lights around the perimeter of the UFO, but the shape of the object at this time escaped him.
The only craft he could think of that even remotely resembled the UFO was a Harrier jet that vents out exhaust for a vertical landing. But the location and lack of any sound did not match up in any way with the Harrier possibility. He was attempting to use common reasoning to determine what exactly he was looking at.
Craft Not from This World
Many different scenarios from his life experiences ran through his mind, but he was still questioning the logic of the craft. At first, he did not want to accept the fact that what he and his wife were seeing did not fit into this world.
He and his wife looked at each other in a quandary. They soon got back in their vehicle and drove to Silverton Road, turned left, passed under the freeway, and drove the several blocks to their apartment. Turning into their parking lot, they saw a sight that will forever be stamped in their minds; there was the same craft hovering over the lot. It must have followed them from the freeway!
To reach their parking spot, they had to drive directly toward the UFO. For a few moments they sat entranced with the sight of the object. Finally, they decided to get out of their car and enter their apartment. They were the only two people outside at the time. The object showed no lights at this time.
Since the UFO was just hovering there, they felt that the flying craft was there just to watch them. Was it just curiosity, or did the passengers in the object feel threatened by the couple? It was certainly not likely. They estimated that the UFO was approximately 70 feet in the air.
It appeared to be about 30 ft. across, and triangular in shape. The shape was outlined with little round lights. Because of the silence of the parking lot, they could hear a slight humming sound coming from the UFO. Because the object just sat there made the scene seem surreal, like something from a movie.
The Safety of the Apartment
They were at a total loss to compare it to any other flying craft they had ever seen. They were frightened by what action the UFO might take next. They sought the safety of their apartment. They walked across the lot to their patio door. The object did not make a sound or move an inch.
Finally, the triangle UFO began to move... very slowly, but building speed as it went. It floated like it weighed nothing, easing itself away from the parking lot and finally disappearing into the night. The man asked his wife if she had seen the same thing he had. She confirmed his sighting with her own.
Later, they both felt very fortunate to have seen such an unusual and phenomenal object. To this day they have not seen anything that might explain it. They wonder if the extraordinary flying craft was from a world far advanced from our own.
In 1988, and a man and wife had an incredible sighting in Salem, Oregon. Because of the perception of the general public, it was many years before they told anyone about what they saw on a cold, fall night. Normally, when they looked above they only expected to see the usual stars, and occasional airplanes pass in the night.
They stated that they had become players in a scenario that they had only read about happening to other people, and they were not sure just how reliable these types of reports were.
What they saw literally changed their view of life itself, and opened their minds to possibilities they had never imagined before.
The husband and wife were on a routine errand run on a clear, starry night, returning from the grocery store. They were heading northbound on Fisher Road, the area being mainly a residential section of Salem. As they drove toward home, something caught their eye. It was hovering above the nearby freeway.
Couple Pulls to Side of Road
At first sight, they thought that the object was most likely a traffic helicopter, a fairly uncommon site in that neck of the woods. But, as they drove closer they realized it was not a helicopter, or any other common flying vehicle. Intrigued by the uniqueness of the unknown craft, they pulled over on the shoulder of Fisher Road to get a better look.
The first thing the husband did was listen for the sound of an engine. There was none. The object was only about 200 feet away from them, and any type of engine would have been easily been heard at that distance.
He was baffled. He could see lights around the perimeter of the UFO, but the shape of the object at this time escaped him.
The only craft he could think of that even remotely resembled the UFO was a Harrier jet that vents out exhaust for a vertical landing. But the location and lack of any sound did not match up in any way with the Harrier possibility. He was attempting to use common reasoning to determine what exactly he was looking at.
Craft Not from This World
Many different scenarios from his life experiences ran through his mind, but he was still questioning the logic of the craft. At first, he did not want to accept the fact that what he and his wife were seeing did not fit into this world.
He and his wife looked at each other in a quandary. They soon got back in their vehicle and drove to Silverton Road, turned left, passed under the freeway, and drove the several blocks to their apartment. Turning into their parking lot, they saw a sight that will forever be stamped in their minds; there was the same craft hovering over the lot. It must have followed them from the freeway!
To reach their parking spot, they had to drive directly toward the UFO. For a few moments they sat entranced with the sight of the object. Finally, they decided to get out of their car and enter their apartment. They were the only two people outside at the time. The object showed no lights at this time.
Since the UFO was just hovering there, they felt that the flying craft was there just to watch them. Was it just curiosity, or did the passengers in the object feel threatened by the couple? It was certainly not likely. They estimated that the UFO was approximately 70 feet in the air.
It appeared to be about 30 ft. across, and triangular in shape. The shape was outlined with little round lights. Because of the silence of the parking lot, they could hear a slight humming sound coming from the UFO. Because the object just sat there made the scene seem surreal, like something from a movie.
The Safety of the Apartment
They were at a total loss to compare it to any other flying craft they had ever seen. They were frightened by what action the UFO might take next. They sought the safety of their apartment. They walked across the lot to their patio door. The object did not make a sound or move an inch.
Finally, the triangle UFO began to move... very slowly, but building speed as it went. It floated like it weighed nothing, easing itself away from the parking lot and finally disappearing into the night. The man asked his wife if she had seen the same thing he had. She confirmed his sighting with her own.
Later, they both felt very fortunate to have seen such an unusual and phenomenal object. To this day they have not seen anything that might explain it. They wonder if the extraordinary flying craft was from a world far advanced from our own.