Family & Relationships Conflict

Why Men Dump Women - The Inside Scoop

Being dumped by a man is a very hurtful experience and does a number to our self-esteem, and leaves us with many unanswered questions.
If we just had the inside scoop on why men dump women then we would not only what know what to, but what not to do as well.
Understanding what men want will give us a cleared picture on where we may have went wrong, and then we can work to improving ourselves.
A man wants his woman to have her own life and do her own thing, and he does not want her to stop being who she is, however many women, we tend to give up their life when they start dating someone.
We stop hanging out with our friends, going to the gym or church, or whatever our normal activities were before we started dating him.
We also tend to jump when he calls, and cancel our plans if he wants to do something that night.
This puts a weird vibe in the air for him, and makes him uncomfortable.
Another major complaint that men have is that she does not accept him for who he is, and tries to change him.
We all have faults; including him and you have to decide whether or not those faults are deal-breakers.
It is OK to let him know how you feel, but otherwise, you need to let him be who he is.
Lack of appreciation is another common reason why men dump women.
We tend to get comfortable in the relationship and tend to take him for granted.
Make sure and tell him thank you when he takes you out to dinner, tell him it is good to hear from him when he calls.
Tell him looks nice.
If he fixes something for you, make sure and compliment him.
Everyone wants to be appreciated.
Men also complain that women are overbearing and try to run their life.
They can't stand the women who demands all their attention, and keeps him in sight at all times.
This makes him feel smothered, and like he is in jail, and he just wants to escape.
Maybe she does not realize that she is being this way.
Just make a mental note of whether you are telling him what to do, what to wear, and give him unsolicited advice.
He wants a partner, not a replica of his mother.
Being over possessive and not giving them space and freedom is another common reason why men dump women.
Nagging falls into this category as well.
Nagging and complaining will make the man fell like they want to escape.
Now that you know the most common reasons why men dump women, you can start to correct the problems in your life.
If you still love him and want him back, I suggest you get advice from an expert on what you next move should be.

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