Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

Normal Puppy Biting

    Early Training

    • Give your new puppy a toy to chew.rubber dog toy portrait image by gmlynek from

      Puppies should spend the first eight weeks of life with their mother; prospective owners should always get their dogs from a reputable source to have assurance the puppies were weaned at the proper time. Train a puppy to be gentle with its mouth in the first few months of its life, or bad habits become ingrained and you'll have a problem. Establish a routine for your puppy from the beginning, and have toys for the puppy to chew on. Involve the puppy in as many activities as you can.

    Good Training

    • Involve you dog in as many of your activities as with his dog on the beach image by Ivonne Wierink from

      It is really important to correctly socialize your puppy by talking to it by its name and by stroking and handling it. However, do this sensitively, and be aware that the puppy might not like you touching particular parts of its body--for example, the mouth, legs or paws. Some dogs develop separation anxiety when parted from their owners. Sometimes the anxiety manifests in destructive activities such as chewing and biting furniture and shoes. Minimize separation anxiety, advises Bruce Fogle, practicing vet and author, by playing down your entrances and exits from the house--that is, do not make a big fuss about the dog as you come in or go out. Doting on your dog at such times is natural, but it can reinforce the dog's anxiety.

    Discouraging Biting

    • All puppies will play-bite. But if you do not discourage the biting, a problem may develop as the dog gets older. Gradually let the pup become accustomed to having its mouth and face touched. Reward it if it does not bite. Don't let other members of the family encourage the puppy to play-bite. Reinforce good behavior with rewards and attention. Ignore the pup by folding your hands and looking away if it is becoming overly boisterous.


    • It is far easier to prevent normal puppy biting from becoming a problem than to deal with the consequences. Never encourage a puppy to bite, and understand that biting is rarely an aggressive act. The puppy is trying instinctively to hold on, rather than bite. Do not overreact or panic. Tell the dog to stop, then walk away and do not pay attention to the pup if it chases after you or grabs your trousers.

    Bad Behavior

    • Puppies are by nature playful, and that is part of the joy of having a new pet. However, the line between boisterousness and bad behavior is a thin one. Puppies' teeth are developing; and puppies cannot distinguish between your best shoes and a toy. You, as the dog's owner, must establish boundaries in biting behavior. If a pup is chewing furniture, distract it by producing toys. Throw one so the dog can play. Then remove the toy when the pup has settled. Patience and consistency are key in training the puppy.

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