Four Stages of Pregnancy
- Pregnancy begins when the male gamete comes in contact with the female egg. When this happens, fertilization occurs and an embryo begins to form within the woman's uterus.
The first sign of pregnancy is a missed menstrual period by more than a week. Other signs may include nausea and occasional vomiting, which are often termed as morning sickness. The woman may also experience tender and swollen breasts and occasional bouts of exhaustion.
At this stage, the doctor may already be able to notice fetal movements. An ultrasound may reveal fetal heart motion and a sac. - During the first trimester of pregnancy, a woman may experience a rise in hormonal level, leading to some physical discomfort. Her uterus will gradually become larger and softer; her cervix may become softer and purple or bluish in color because of increased blood flow to the uterus. The woman's belly will enlarge gradually as the fetus develops.
The woman will gain weight and may experience cravings for certain kinds of food. By the 12th week of pregnancy, nausea, vomiting and other discomforts experienced during the first few weeks of pregnancy should begin to dissipate as hormonal levels decrease. - At this stage in the pregnancy, usually the third trimester, constipation may become an issue. The developing fetus puts pressure on the woman's colon (the lower part) and rectum, causing constipation. Many women are advised by their doctor to eat fresh fruits and vegetables to aid bowel movements.
- Labor and birth occur during the ninth month of pregnancy. At this stage, the baby has shifted position and is ready to come out of the mother's womb. The cervix will dilate and the woman may feel intense pain in her lower back and/or abdominal area due to severe contractions. If the contractions continue for several hours, birth is probably imminent.