Technology Mobile-Cell-Phone

How to Copy & Paste a Signature in WM6

    Windows Mobile 6.1

    • 1). Press "Select" to bring up the "Menu" option. Select "Copy/Paste" from the menu, then choose "Select Text."

    • 2). Open the text box into which you have typed your signature. Move your cursor to the beginning of the text, then press the "Select" button and highlight the text. Press the "Select" button again to copy the text.

    • 3). Open the text box into which you would like to paste your signature. Bring up the "Menu" option again and select "Copy/Paste." Choose "Paste."

    Windows Mobile 6.0

    • 1). Download the Vito Copy Paste software to your phone (see Resources).

    • 2). Find the file "VitoCopyPaste.exe" and move it into the "Program Files" folder for Vito, if you did not already store it there. The program will not work if it is not installed under "Program Files."

    • 3). Click on the Vito Copy Paste file. This runs the program. To end or disable the program, you must click on the file again.

    • 4). Open the text box into which you have typed your signature. Press the "action" button on your phone for several seconds. This brings up a menu.

    • 5). Choose "Select" from the menu to select the contents of the text box. Press the "action" button again.

    • 6). Choose "Copy" from the menu.

    • 7). Open the text box into which you would like to paste your signature. This may be on a website or forum. Press the "action" button again for several seconds to bring up the menu.

    • 8). Choose the "Paste" option to paste your signature into the text box.

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