Health & Medical Food & Drink

How to Take the Strong Taste Out of Raw Garlic

    • 1). Save time by starting with milder garlic. Garlic's flavor is mildest when it is first harvested, so look for plump, juicy cloves that are not dry and crinkly to the touch. If you buy directly from a farmer, ask which varieties are mildest. Elephant garlic, a distant relative, is also naturally mild.

    • 2). Mince the garlic with a pinch of salt, then let it sit for a few minutes. Scrape the garlic into a fine-mesh strainer and rinse it under cold water. The salt will help draw the pungent juice from the garlic so that it can be washed away.

    • 3). Peel the garlic cloves and cut them in half lengthwise. Soak them overnight in cold water. They will be noticeably milder the next day.

    • 4). Remove the green sprout from the middle of the garlic clove if there is one. The sprouts have a pungent, harsh flavor that makes the rest of the clove taste stronger.

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