Health & Medical Nutrition

Fattening Foods - Fruit Juices Can Make You Fat

There are several foods that actually cause belly fat that might surprise you -- almost all folks incorrectly think that these foods are good for you.
Every time we suggest to a client that they should consider eliminating these foods from their diet, they're shocked.
All of our regular readers have heard Sharon or I say how bad trans fats and high fructose corn syrup are for you, so rather than play that same old tune again, I'd like to mention a one of the foods that will likely amaze you that it is responsible for packing on the fat.
One of the foods that causes fat which amazes a lot people, is one that is thought to be "healthy" -- fruit juice.
Don't misunderstand me, this is not on a campaign for anti-carb -- we truly believe that most fruits are extremely healthy for us.
You see, our bodies just weren't designed to separate the pulp and fiber from the juice, and then only drink the extremely high calorie sweet mixture that's left, and not consume the fiber and other healthful portions of the fruit.
When you just drink the juice of fruits (apple and orange juice representing two of the greatest offenders in the SAD or Standard American Diet), you're not getting the appetite gratification impact of the fiber naturally found in the fruit, and you're left wanting to consume even more carbs.
Plus, the fiber in whole fruit slows the blood glucose response which comes from eating whole fruit, in contrast to drinking just the fruit juice alone.
In a nutshell, drinking significant quantities of fruit juices actually causes you to store fat.
But, eating whole fruits, including all of the fiber, actually assists you in maintaining a healthy, well-balanced diet containing a high density of nutrients (assuming the rest of your diet is made up of whole unprocessed foods as well).

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