Health & Medical Diabetes

Get My Diabetes Under Control Now

A blood sugar grade of 325 was the blood sugar mark I had when I got sober about taking care of myself.
Up until then as my blood sugar rose, I thought, that this pain would be healed in a natural way.
Like better eating and exercising.
I now had to start to take stronger actions to beat down my blood sugar count.
In the beginning I started taking some vitamins and minerals that were for important as a blood sugar treatment.
I gained some degree of success.
In four months I decreased the sugar in my body from 325 to 306.
But my goal was not realized.
I had to get into an acceptable zone with my blood sugar.
Somewhere between 100 - 130 made sense to me.
I had to be even more hard-hitting to take care of myself.
My assignment took on a more urgent nature.
I was talking to people about diabetes and blood sugar.
In the past I kept this disease hidden from most.
For some reason I was ashamed that I had contacted this disease.
I was researching the internet to find a better way.
I wanted to find an alternative solution.
Ingesting drugs for my cure was not in my game plan.
In May of 2006 I began my five week investigation.
I made up my mind that I wanted to take some kind of herbal remedy.
I looked on the internet and after speaking to some people I trust and to my friend Matt, I decided to use a product he was distributing.
In July I started taking a Chinese herbal cure that has over 250 herbs in liquid form.
The start up I decided upon was four bottles of the drink.
This took place over a four day period.
One quarter of the 16 oz bottle four times a day.
When I returned to my physician I was amazed.
My sugar amount had decreased to 201.
To say I was happy was quite understated.
I was exhilarated.
306 to 201 was a home run.
I had located a valuable product.
I know it sounds crazy but, I decided to stop for a while.
This was my test.
I waited two months to see how my body would respond to not taking the product.
I blood tested again in September of 2006 and discovered that my level had not changed.
201 was the number.
Oh my god.
This convinced me the product was perfect.
So I took another two bottles in September.
My sugar went to 160.
After the Thanksgiving holiday I drank another three bottles and got the level in a safe zone to 130.
I am convinced.
Over a five month period my blood sugar went from 306 to 130.
That is a wondrous 176 point decrease.
Sounds nuts, I know.
But that is what happened.
Living in fear is also gone.
I do not think about being rushed to the emergency room because my blood sugar was out of whack.
Am I cured? - I do not know.
Am I finished with diabetes? What's important to me is that I have found something natural that takes care of me.
And that is a blessing.
This 47 year old long lasting product has, probably saved my life.
Hallelujah! Please send this to people in your life that you care about that would be helped by reading this article.

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