Video: How to Assemble an Electric Pasta Maker
Video Transcript
Our next step is going to be putting the pasta maker together. We're going to start with putting the screw in. You want to make sure to put the right end in which is the cross and it's going to snap into place you will know when it's in the right spot. Because you won't be able to turn it. Next we're going to pick a dye. I'm going to start with something a little bit easier a nice round one. You're going to have this round spot coincide with this spot right in the screw. This is also when it goes into place you are not going to hardly move. We're going to screw this into place, screw that attachment on. You want to make sure that the dye stays into place while you are putting it together. Then we have this nice attachment for really tightening this as tightly as it will go, you want to make sure that you can still get it off so don't have it so tight that you can't get it off again. Now we can put the pasta maker down and we're going to snap the top on that will ensure that we can have the pasta fit right into the spools of the screw right there. Then we're going to be clamping it down to the edge. Now we're going to clamp the pasta maker onto the edge of the counter. Remember I said earlier if you have the option to do so you really want to for stability. We're going to put that in there and tightening the screw once again depending on your counter top, you don't want it to be too tight cause you don't want to worry about damaging your expensive counter top. Last but not least you're going to have the handle that will be used to turn the wheel. You want to make sure to give yourself plenty of clearance of the edge of your counter. Here as well so that you have plenty of room for turning the pasta maker.