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Job Hunting Tips For Veterans

If you have proudly served the country and are now out of the military you may be looking for some quality job hunting tips for veterans.
Finding a good paying and rewarding job in the private sector is not as difficult as you might think, you just have to know how to go about it.
There are many tips that can be given to veterans when job hunting, here are just a few: o    Brush up your resume: Make sure that you take the time to put together a great looking resume.
Remember that you are no longer in the military so when listing your skills you need to be sure to list them in such a way that the potential employer will understand.
For example, if you were a platoon leader in the military, then you would list that skill as the ability to oversee and manage others.
o    Highlight your military service: You should always highlight the fact that you are a veteran and proudly served the country as a member of the armed forces.
This shows many potential employers that you care and can go through with a commitment.
Besides, you never know if who has or hasn't served in the military so it never hurts to highlight this fact.
o    Know the market: Try to get an idea of what it is you want to do for a living.
When you have decided on what you want to peruse make sure that you are qualified to do so.
Usually when you are perusing classifieds either online or in print, you will see a list of requirements such as education or special training.
If you do not meet these specific needs, then don't waste your time applying for the job.
o    Network: This is more than just telling a few friends that you are currently out of work.
Talk to anyone and everyone that you know and who they know and explain what you are looking for in your job hunt and exactly what skills you have.
By doing this you will uncover the 'hidden' job market, which are jobs that are not typically advertised.
o    Post your resume online: There a number of free resume posting services, like monster.
com that allow you to upload your resume and have potential employers find you.
This is a great way to be discovered by a company that you may have neglected to consider when job hunting.
o    Be ready for your interview: Be prepared for what is to come in the interview and what you are going to say.
More times than not you will be asked to describe yourself and if the first word out of your mouth is ummm, then you will be shooting yourself in the foot.
Practice the night before by looking in the mirror and interviewing yourself.
It may sound silly, but if you already know what to say when the time comes, you will come off looking like a hero.
When it comes to job hunting as a veteran, be sure to be organized and prepared, but above all else you need to be yourself.
With tenacity and dedication given to your job hunting, a new job that is both lucrative and rewarding is within your reach.

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