Health & Medical Body building

How Often Should You Train in Order to Build Muscle?

Okay, so you're fired up! You've finally decided to make a change and get in shape.
You're sick of looking in the mirror and being unhappy with that skinny, frail and unfit person you see looking back at you and now you are going to do something about it! So what do you do? You hit the gym every single day doing a complete body workout...
Biceps, triceps, back shoulders, legs, abs, the whole nine yards...
You completely work your butt off day in and day out.
I mean, the more the better right? The more you're in the gym the faster you'll see results...
right? Wrong! As a matter of fact you couldn't possibly be more wrong...
Most guys that are new to the gym start out this way.
They dive right in head first, doing every single exercise and work out routine they can think of...
then it hits them and reality sets in...
I am not seeing any noticeable results! I am working out as hard as I possibly can but nothing is happening! Why is that? Surely, I should be getting stronger by now right? I don't understand...
Am I doing something wrong? Well, the thing that most new guys do not understand is that muscle growth and development occurs outside of the gym! You are not "building muscle" when you are in the gym pounding away at the weights.
You are actually breaking down the muscles! It is the recovery time that actually builds muscle.
During this time, the muscles are repairing...
getting stronger and bigger in order to handle the stress that is being put on them.
Therefore your recovery time is essential to muscle growth! So how much time is needed? Good question...
In order to achieve maximum muscle growth, you should only train each muscle group once per week! That's it...
Training with maximum intensity, putting adequate amount of stress on muscle group once per week will cause them to grow stronger and bigger most efficiently.
Any more than this is unnecessary and you'll most likely end up overtraining and severely limiting your gains.
to sum it up, choose a complete body workout plan that constantly pushes your body to its limits.
Remember to only work each muscle group once per week! No more and no less...
Otherwise you are just wasting your time and you will probably never see the true results that you are looking to achieve in the gym.
Best Wishes, Greg Shyne

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