Signs of Panic Attack and How to Treat Them
You may be wondering what are the signs or symptoms that will help you realize that you are actually facing panic disorder.
There are plenty of signs or symptoms of panic disorder.
Read them carefully and try to assess if you have any of them.
The symptoms of having panic disorder disorder are as follows: nausea, vomiting, stomach upset, dizziness and disorientation, chest pains, elevated heart rate, racing heart, shortness of breath, extreme paranoia and inability to control ones thoughts and feelings.
If you have at least three of these symptoms then it is safe to say that you have panic disorder.
I bet you are now asking, "What are the causes of panic attack? Why do I have them? I must say that amidst the various factors found as triggers towards having panic attack.
These things are not the exact root of this growing modern problem.
The main cause is a malfunctioning nervous system.
The original nature of the nervous system suddenly changed from a helpful to a harmful function for us.
Is there any remedy to this alarming condition? Definitely, yes! I can give you variety of equally simple yet effective natural remedies for panic attack.
As simple as following proper dietary measures like eating green vegetables and fresh fruits everyday as well as drinking plenty of water.
As much as possible reduce the intake of refined sugars, white flour, hard alcohol, coffee, and fast foods.
Then, eat large amount of protein in order to build fresh and calming neurotransmitters.
To make this plan more successful, you must exercise so as to burn stress hormones and nervous energy.
You can either walk, jog, bike, or swim in at least 3 to 4 times every week.
In addition, learn self massage and deep abdominal breathing.
You may also take hot and cold showers along with some good relaxation techniques.
Above all, get into a regular sleep cycle and take valerian or chamomile to assure you of a deep sleep.
No matter how seemingly strong the effects of panic attack to our lives, we are still more powerful than them.
After all we are superior to them.
If we would only acknowledge that we are really suffering from panic attack.
We will eventually find ways to eradicate this cause of discomfort from our lives.
The key for a quick and absolute recovery is always and will always be "change".
There are plenty of signs or symptoms of panic disorder.
Read them carefully and try to assess if you have any of them.
The symptoms of having panic disorder disorder are as follows: nausea, vomiting, stomach upset, dizziness and disorientation, chest pains, elevated heart rate, racing heart, shortness of breath, extreme paranoia and inability to control ones thoughts and feelings.
If you have at least three of these symptoms then it is safe to say that you have panic disorder.
I bet you are now asking, "What are the causes of panic attack? Why do I have them? I must say that amidst the various factors found as triggers towards having panic attack.
These things are not the exact root of this growing modern problem.
The main cause is a malfunctioning nervous system.
The original nature of the nervous system suddenly changed from a helpful to a harmful function for us.
Is there any remedy to this alarming condition? Definitely, yes! I can give you variety of equally simple yet effective natural remedies for panic attack.
As simple as following proper dietary measures like eating green vegetables and fresh fruits everyday as well as drinking plenty of water.
As much as possible reduce the intake of refined sugars, white flour, hard alcohol, coffee, and fast foods.
Then, eat large amount of protein in order to build fresh and calming neurotransmitters.
To make this plan more successful, you must exercise so as to burn stress hormones and nervous energy.
You can either walk, jog, bike, or swim in at least 3 to 4 times every week.
In addition, learn self massage and deep abdominal breathing.
You may also take hot and cold showers along with some good relaxation techniques.
Above all, get into a regular sleep cycle and take valerian or chamomile to assure you of a deep sleep.
No matter how seemingly strong the effects of panic attack to our lives, we are still more powerful than them.
After all we are superior to them.
If we would only acknowledge that we are really suffering from panic attack.
We will eventually find ways to eradicate this cause of discomfort from our lives.
The key for a quick and absolute recovery is always and will always be "change".