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Dating Advice For Men - Never Neglect Grooming

Nothing is more of a turn-off for a woman, especially on the first date but also afterwards, than a man who doesn't take care of himself.

Trim and clean your nails. Having grime under your nails may suggest that you do manual labor and that you're tough and rugged, but what it most immediately indicates is that you're slovenly and unclean. Nothing is easier to do than to remove that unsightly dirt. A word of caution: removing it in front of whoever you are trying to impress is more than likely to cause the opposite.

Wear clean clothes. It's not because you've forgotten that there is a big wine stain on your jeans that it suddenly became invisible. Your clothes don't have to be new or trendy, but they do have to be clean and well-maintained.

Clean your shoes. Having clean, shiny shoes is the best sign you can give that you are organized, disciplined and care about yourself and your belongings. It's not a surprise that police academies and armies around the world make their recruit shine their shoes until they can see their own reflection in them from 10 feet away.

Shower. You may think that you smell manly and musky after you come back from a run, but trust me, you don't. Drowning in perfume or cologne is not required, either. But being clean and particularly smelling clean is very attractive, and the opposite, well... You must have heard about attracting bees with vinegar!

Shave. I realize that there are quite a few women out there who like their men with beards, mustaches, goatees, or other facial hair. If that's what your date likes, you can always grow it back. But working on the laws of probability alone, you are much better off shaving. Some men also enjoy sporting five o'clock shadows, for the same reason they like dirt under their fingernails: it makes them look tough and manly. Well, ok, not for the same reasons. While it may make you look and feel suave, virile and vaguely mysterious, if you get lucky enough to give your date a peck on the cheek, it will bite her face and she won't like it. As I said before, you can always grow it back if she wants, or maybe as part of some sort of compromise package!

Take care of other Rebellious Hairs. To be fair to guys, I know that sometimes they are hard to notice -- or rather you forget that they are there, because you haven't had a woman to remind you to take care of them. So that's what I'm doing here. Chest hair on the bottom of your neck sticking out of your shirt is disgusting. Take care of it while shaving (see above!). Hair sticking out of your nose and/or ears is also unsightly, so they should be removed. I know it is painful. To get an idea of what women go through to make themselves attractive to their man, try a bikini wax sometimes. Then pulling the hair out of your nose won't seem so bad.

These grooming tips are important on a first date, but they are also excellent guidelines for any long-term relationship. Don't let yourself go after attracting the woman of your dreams, both of you deserve better!

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