Technology Electronics

How to Troubleshoot the C250

    • 1). Download the latest software for the C250. Visit the downloads page for the C250 at the Logitech website and follow the prompts.

    • 2). Listen to make sure sound is coming through the speakers on your computer. If not, you can test the microphone by opening your system's Sound Recorder. When speaking into the camera's microphone, you should see a green line wavering on the recorder. If there is no movement, make sure your microphone is selected by clicking "Edit" and then "Audio Properties." The C250 microphone should be set as the default recording device.

    • 3). Verify that the microphone drivers have been loaded if audio problems persist. If no drivers are present, visit the Logitech website and download the latest version of the software for the C250 once again.

    • 4). Adjust the focus if the image quality is inconsistent by adjusting the dial surrounding the camera lens.

    • 5). Click the start menu and select "Run" if you do not want the C250 software to run upon computer start-up. Type "msconfig" in the dialogue box. Click the Startup tab and locate the Logitech software, which is most likely listed as "LWS". Click the box beside the LWS listing to remove the check mark from the box. Click "Apply," then select "OK" and restart the machine.

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