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How to Tell a Guy You Are Not Ready For Sex! Here is How to Do it Without Scaring Him Away

Pressure is something that none of us want in our lives.
And the worst kind of pressure is when your man expects sex from you and you are just not ready for it.
So if you want to tell your guy that you are not ready for sex here is how you should do it.
Say that you are not ready Talking about it is one of the things that you can do.
You can tell him that you are just not ready to cross that line yet and would like it if he could be a little patient with you.
Make him see that though you do want to sleep with him, at this stage you are not comfortable doing so.
You feel like you are being tested If he continues to pressurize you then you'll have to be a little firm.
You can tell him that your love for him should not be tested and having sex is definitely not the best way to test it.
Tell him that things will happen in time but his insistence is just not helping.
You want to wait it out for a little longer Tell him that you feel that your relationship is at a fairly early stage.
Even though you might have dated a lot of men or you might have not, you still need to be in a position to decide if you want to sleep with the person.
Tell him that you would like to wait a little longer as you feel there is a lot more that you both share and you want to get more comfortable with him.
Tell him you don't want to ruin your chances Giving into sex too soon or too easily sometimes ruins a relationship.
Instead when we get to know a person better and get involved and develop an emotional connect; sex becomes a natural progression of a relationship.
Tell him that you love the relationship that you have with him and you don't want to ruin your chances of having something special by having sex at this moment.
Be firm You will have to be firm when you tell him that you are not ready for sex.
He has to get the message loud and clear that you are not going to give in now and the sooner he accepts that the better it is.
If he walks out on you for this, then he was not worth it.
Don't be rude This is a very sensitive topic and you cannot make him feel that you don't like him or do not want to sleep with him.
Be gentle when you put him down, massage his ego for a bit and then tell him what you want.
Don't let the pressure work Lastly, he might put a lot of direct or indirect pressure on you.
Don't let that work.
Stick to your guns and let him down easy and he will eventually learn to respect your wishes.

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