Natural Remedies to Feminine Dryness
Feminine dryness is a problem that often occurs in women who are going through menopause or after they have gone through it, although it can occur for a variety of other problems to women of all ages as well.
The walls of the vagina can become dry which can lead to irritation and a lack of sex drive in many women.
Dealing with feminine dryness can be frustrating and even embarrassing, but there are some treatments and remedies out there that can help.
If you are interested in finding a natural way to treat your problem with feminine dryness, here are several great natural remedies that can be a huge help to you.
Vitamin E Oil Vitamin E oil is a great natural remedy that can help you to deal with feminine dryness.
Simply applying the oil to the vagina on a regular basis can be a huge help and relieve some of the dryness that you are dealing with.
Using it together with black cohosh can also be helpful.
Taking 6 capsules of Vitamin E oil and mixing it together with about 5 teaspoons of cream of black cohosh and then applying it to the inside and outside of the vagina a couple times a day can be a help as well.
Avoiding Soaps and Powders with Perfumes Another great natural remedy is to avoid soaps and powders that happen to have perfumes in them.
Stop using soaps that are scented, bubble baths, perfumes, and powders.
The scent can actually cause more irritation and lead to even more problems with feminine dryness.
Drink Plenty of Water Drinking plenty of water is extremely important for alleviating the problem with feminine dryness.
Getting plenty of water each day helps to keep the body from getting dehydrated, which can lead to more problems with vaginal dryness.
Drinking at least 8-10 glasses each day of water can be a great way to control problems with feminine dryness that doesn't include your having to take any drugs or having to spend a lot of money on products.
Aloe Vera Gel Aloe Vera gel can also be used as a great natural remedy for feminine dryness.
It can be directly applied to the area to hydrate it.
However, it can also be taken internally to help out as well.
Combining Aloe Vera gel, Saffron, and Ashwagandha with milk is an Ayurvedic remedy that is often used to treat problems with dryness.
It can help to provide lubrication to the vagina and can keep the reproductive organs moist and youthful as well.
Getting Plenty of Omega-7 Fatty Acids Getting plenty of Omega-3, 6, 7, and 9 fatty acids in your diet is another great natural remedy that often can help with feminine dryness.
Foods that contain these fatty acids, such as fatty fish and flaxseed, are beneficial.
It helps to provide the body's cells with the fats needed.
It can also keep the cells healthy and can even help to fight off infection.
Add Omega-3 fatty acids to your diet or Omega-7 supplements to help you get rid of the dryness that you have been experiencing.
The walls of the vagina can become dry which can lead to irritation and a lack of sex drive in many women.
Dealing with feminine dryness can be frustrating and even embarrassing, but there are some treatments and remedies out there that can help.
If you are interested in finding a natural way to treat your problem with feminine dryness, here are several great natural remedies that can be a huge help to you.
Vitamin E Oil Vitamin E oil is a great natural remedy that can help you to deal with feminine dryness.
Simply applying the oil to the vagina on a regular basis can be a huge help and relieve some of the dryness that you are dealing with.
Using it together with black cohosh can also be helpful.
Taking 6 capsules of Vitamin E oil and mixing it together with about 5 teaspoons of cream of black cohosh and then applying it to the inside and outside of the vagina a couple times a day can be a help as well.
Avoiding Soaps and Powders with Perfumes Another great natural remedy is to avoid soaps and powders that happen to have perfumes in them.
Stop using soaps that are scented, bubble baths, perfumes, and powders.
The scent can actually cause more irritation and lead to even more problems with feminine dryness.
Drink Plenty of Water Drinking plenty of water is extremely important for alleviating the problem with feminine dryness.
Getting plenty of water each day helps to keep the body from getting dehydrated, which can lead to more problems with vaginal dryness.
Drinking at least 8-10 glasses each day of water can be a great way to control problems with feminine dryness that doesn't include your having to take any drugs or having to spend a lot of money on products.
Aloe Vera Gel Aloe Vera gel can also be used as a great natural remedy for feminine dryness.
It can be directly applied to the area to hydrate it.
However, it can also be taken internally to help out as well.
Combining Aloe Vera gel, Saffron, and Ashwagandha with milk is an Ayurvedic remedy that is often used to treat problems with dryness.
It can help to provide lubrication to the vagina and can keep the reproductive organs moist and youthful as well.
Getting Plenty of Omega-7 Fatty Acids Getting plenty of Omega-3, 6, 7, and 9 fatty acids in your diet is another great natural remedy that often can help with feminine dryness.
Foods that contain these fatty acids, such as fatty fish and flaxseed, are beneficial.
It helps to provide the body's cells with the fats needed.
It can also keep the cells healthy and can even help to fight off infection.
Add Omega-3 fatty acids to your diet or Omega-7 supplements to help you get rid of the dryness that you have been experiencing.