Learn the Lingo of Social Media
Yes, Social Media has its own lingo and if you want to get into the beat of things, you should learn to talk the talk and walk the walk.
Web 2.
0 This is the collective term for web-based social media applications where you can share your information such as details of yourself, your business, friends, family and even the family pet if you like.
These platforms give you the opportunity to share pictures, video clips, blogs and miniblogs.
Blog A blog - short for web log - is a site where you can make regular entries that are called posts.
You can enhance the social media experience by adding pictures, podcasts and video clips.
Readers of blogs can subscribe to blogs via RSS or email where they get updates every time you make a post.
Readers can also communicate with the blogger by leaving comments on the posts.
RSS Really Simple Syndication is a social media platform that webmasters use to distribute their content on the World Wide Web.
RSS sites create special files that are updated frequently with the site's latest information.
Web users that are subscribed to these feeds will receive updated information directly on their computers and reads the content with a feed reader.
Social Bookmarking Social Bookmarking goes hand in hand with social media.
This service enables users to save online bookmarks to a public website and 'tagging' them with keywords.
This makes it easy for other users to find information more easily as the information submitted is saved in specific categories.
Social Search Engine A Social Search Engine differs from a search engine such as Google because a Social Search Engine searches for social media content such as tags, comments, blogs, videos, images and wikis.
UGC User generated content is the name for content that has been added by users.
This is a great way to use your website users as advertisers.
If your site is interesting enough they might make video clips on how to use your product or even write reviews and add these to their social media communities.
Wiki This is a website that allows users to add and edit content on the website.
These sites are mainly used by groups of people that build information around specialist topics, services or products.
Web 2.
0 This is the collective term for web-based social media applications where you can share your information such as details of yourself, your business, friends, family and even the family pet if you like.
These platforms give you the opportunity to share pictures, video clips, blogs and miniblogs.
Blog A blog - short for web log - is a site where you can make regular entries that are called posts.
You can enhance the social media experience by adding pictures, podcasts and video clips.
Readers of blogs can subscribe to blogs via RSS or email where they get updates every time you make a post.
Readers can also communicate with the blogger by leaving comments on the posts.
RSS Really Simple Syndication is a social media platform that webmasters use to distribute their content on the World Wide Web.
RSS sites create special files that are updated frequently with the site's latest information.
Web users that are subscribed to these feeds will receive updated information directly on their computers and reads the content with a feed reader.
Social Bookmarking Social Bookmarking goes hand in hand with social media.
This service enables users to save online bookmarks to a public website and 'tagging' them with keywords.
This makes it easy for other users to find information more easily as the information submitted is saved in specific categories.
Social Search Engine A Social Search Engine differs from a search engine such as Google because a Social Search Engine searches for social media content such as tags, comments, blogs, videos, images and wikis.
UGC User generated content is the name for content that has been added by users.
This is a great way to use your website users as advertisers.
If your site is interesting enough they might make video clips on how to use your product or even write reviews and add these to their social media communities.
Wiki This is a website that allows users to add and edit content on the website.
These sites are mainly used by groups of people that build information around specialist topics, services or products.