Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

Constipation - How To Make Your Bowel Movements Regular

Every person at some point in his life suffers from constipation. It is a very uneasy condition in which a person feels tired and unhealthy from inside and is unable to concentrate fully on his work. In this article let us find out more about being constipated and some of the steps you can take to improve your digestive system and get rid of constipation.

What Is Constipation?
It is a condition when one has lower than normal bowel movement usually a person is considered to be suffering from constipation if he is experiencing bowel movement less than three times in a week. In constipation the stools are usually hard and sometimes painful to pass.

Constipation in itself is not a very big health condition but it is direct sign that something is wrong in the system. The most common aftermath of constipation is hemorrhoids which are a very painful condition and no one wants to suffer from this deadly combination of constipation and hemorrhoids. It is a staggering fact that almost 4.5 million people in the U.S are constipated.

Remedial Measures
One good thing about constipation is that if you change your eating habits you can easily make your bowel movements normal again. Let us lay out some of the things you can do to improve your bowel movements.

Include more fiber in your diet as it provides roughage which is essential for making stools softer. Fruits and vegetable are a rich source of fiber hence should be included in your daily diet.

There are certain herbs like plantago ovata and triphala which are very helpful in improving the condition of your digestive system. While plantago ovata provides natural fiber to the body triphala act as a laxative.

Drink water as much as you can and constipation will be automatically treated in fact water is the best remedy for curing all digestive problems but avoid having tea and coffee as they act dehydrating agents.

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