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Coffee Options Explained - From Espressos to Grande Lattes

Walking into a coffee shop can be an intimidating experience.
With a menu wall full of unpronounceable names and unknown coffee drinks it can be hard to choose what you want to order.
On the positive side of that, there are many great choices and you'll seldom be disappointed with any.
On the negative side, however, part of the reality of being human is that we can become "paralyzed" sometimes with so many options - especially when standing in line with other anxious coffee drinkers behind you.
Don't despair, just keep reading for a definition list of some of the most popular coffee drinks available at most upscale cafes and coffee shops.
Espresso Though the term "Espresso" can also refer to the roasting method, an espresso is typically a highly concentrated shot of dark, rich, black coffee.
It's usually made in an espresso machine and is extracted by shooting hot water through a densely compacted scoop of very fine coffee grinds.
Latte A latte is made by pouring one to two shots of espresso into a mug full of steamed milk.
Typically a latte is topped with foamed milk, but this isn't a necessity.
Americano An americano is a shot or two of espresso in a cup filled with hot water.
While diluted and not as strong as a straight espresso, it still won't taste like a typical American coffee.
Drip Coffee A drip coffee is your standard, basic coffee.
It's called a drip because it drips out of the percolator or coffee machine.
If you're looking for a simple, American coffee - this is it.
Cappuccino A cappuccino is like a latte, but with less milk and more foam.
It's also much smaller and typically served in a 5-6 ounce porcelain cup.
Cafe Au Lait A cafe au lait is typically made with standard drip coffee and two thirds of hot and foamy or steamed milk Cafe Frappuccino A frappuccino is actually a drink made by Starbucks - it's a blended mix of coffee, ice, water, milk and flavored syrups.
It is often sold at other coffee establishments as an iced coffee, coffee smoothie or blended coffee.
Cafe Mocha A cafe mocha is made from a single shot of espresso, 5 to 8 ounces of steamed milk and chocolate syrup.
It's often topped with whipped cream and chocolate shavings.
Basically, the mocha is like a latte, but with a splash of chocolate added.
There are hundreds, if not thousands, of different coffee variations, but these are the ones you're most likely to run into at your local coffee shop.

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