How to Use Coon Calls
- 1). Hunt after dark, when raccoons are most active. Agricultural fields are good locations because there usually are raccoons around, and also because they give hunters a wide open area in which to shoot.
- 2). Hold the call you have chosen in one hand. Place your lips around the mouthpiece and blow into the call with a steady breath. You can blow hard because the shrieking sound replicates an animal in distress. Pause to catch your breath between calls, but otherwise call for three to four minutes at a time.
- 3). Sit still and be quiet and still for five minutes or so, which will give any raccoons the heard your calling the opportunity to investigate.
- 4). Experiment with different calls and volumes. Blowing hard into the call will make it louder. At the end of a call sequence, try blowing softly into the call so it makes only soft noises. This may convince a raccoon that the animal it has been hearing is dead or dying.
- 5). Shine a flashlight that has a red filter in the area around you. If the light hits a raccoon's eyes, you will be able to see the animal, but the light won't be bright enough to scare the raccoon.
- 6). Shoot the animal when it comes close enough for a shot.