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Killer Tips to Rebuild Yourself, Reign the IIT!

After putting in a great deal of hard work once you have cleared the JEE and got yourself admitted to IIT, what next you will ask? JEE preparation is tedious and when hard work finally pays off it is time to take break. The four years at IIT will be a part of the college life that every student dreams about. Being at IIT is not just about being a bookworm. Having made it to a prestigious institution all kinds of opportunities open up to you. You can use this new phase of life to rebuild yourself. Select and choose how to make the most from your stay at IIT. Who knows you might end up becoming the reigning monarch of IIT?

You must become a member of at least one club or organization. Remember, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy and Jill a dull girl. Don’t worry if you haven’t done anything such in school. You are entering into a new phase of life. Use it as an opportunity to try new things. If you are not into debating, quizzing and such, find a group of people that matches your type and start your own thing. A lot of excellent research related projects at the IITs came about because a group of people got together and discussed their ideas. This might not make you the reigning king or queen of IIT but will ensure that you spend your four years committed to getting something more than just a degree. Often skills gathered in what we called the “extra-curricular” in school are the ones that contribute most to our life lessons.

One of the most interesting part of the IIT calendar are the Tech and Cultural fests. Do your bit in it. If you can’t be a part of the organizer or performing team, display your rock star moves on the DJ floor or cheer for your friends in the theatre society. Tech fests are a brilliant opportunity to get recognition for your talents. Plan ahead and startle everyone with your superb invention!

While at these, do not completely forget the lessons learnt in your JEE days. College days are about fun, but set your limits. Your CGPA’s will matter a lot at the time of placements, so work well in all your semesters. Carefully manage your time between studies and other activities. Attend classes regularly and put effort in your studies. Keep a good rapport with your teachers. They will help you in broadening your perspectives and learning about newer kind of opportunities.

Invest in your college project. Even if you want to branch out into other sectors after you graduate, work on your college project with full dedication. After all, you would have taken up engineering and not something else because of some bubbling energy to explore and understand machines. While other courses are structured, here you will find a vent to creativity. Who knows your college project might turn out to be a wonder? Even if it not miraculous, it will add to your CV. Employers greatly value the ability to think out of the box.
Take up internships or projects from external parties. That can help you in getting a more practical view on how things work out after college. As a student of IIT a lot of door will be open to you so make the most out of it. Exposure and experience in professional scenarios is extremely beneficial after graduation. It will give you an edge over others so don’t lose this opportunity.

The IITs are centres of excellence. You can be the top scorer or the best drummer. There is no one way of being a star at IIT. It is important to do your own things. With a plethora of opportunities at IIT, choose your field and excel in it. Who knows how to value excellence better than those at IIT? Just remember not to be a recluse because while you will get many other opportunities to be that, you will not be at IIT again. So make the most out of your time that you spend at this prestigious institution.

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