Law & Legal & Attorney Accidents & personal injury Law

Shoulder Drop-off Accidents

One of the most dangerous things that people do during their lives is something that is a part of virtually every day.
Moreover, they likely engage in this hazardous activity with little consideration of the risks that are associated with doing so.
Despite the degree of danger that accompanies driving or riding in a motor vehicle, it has become an integral part of modern life for many people.
Attentive, well-rested, and well-trained drivers have the ability to limit the likelihood that they will become involved in a collision.
Unfortunately, they remain at the mercy of factors beyond their control, including the behaviors of other motorists, carmakers, and the municipal agencies that are responsible for ensuring that the road system in a particular locale is suitable for safe use.
Roadway defects that are present on streets and highways due to the negligence of a municipal body are especially dangerous because they offer little or no opportunity for drivers to avoid them.
Car accidents that are caused by an excessive shoulder drop-off or other roadway defect can cause a vehicle's occupants serious physical injuries and may provide grounds for the pursuit of a legal action.
Effects of a Shoulder Drop-off Ironically, the roadway's shoulder is intended to help drivers to temporarily escape the flow of traffic so that they can tend to mechanical or other needs.
Yet a defectively laid or negligently maintained roadway can create an unsafe height difference between the road surface and shoulder surface, creating a grave safety risk.
The effects of a steep drop-off may be:
  • Tire blowout
  • Damage to a cars chassis
  • Broken axles or wheels
  • Loss of control due to the sudden jarring or difference in surface friction

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