Home & Garden Personal Safety & Security

How To Hide Money At Home

There are several reasons why someone might want to hide money at home, typically they live in a high traffic home were a lot of people are coming and going whether it be family or friends. Especially young people who are off at college living in the dorms or maybe someone serving their country living in the barracks. Maybe they live in a high crime neighborhood or maybe they're just the paranoid type, either way that person needs to be able to hide their money without having to worry about it being stolen.
Of course they could place that money in a bank account but not everyone wishes to do that and the last thing someone needs is to get the reputation of carrying large sums of cash in their pocket which could lead to other misfortunes.
With all that being said what is the best way to go about hiding valuables in the home especially if someone lives in a high traffic situation such as a dorm or a big house with lots of roommates. Years ago when I was going to college I lived in a five bedroom house with four other roommates. One of my roommates was in a fraternity and his fraternity brothers were coming and going all the time. Myself I was fresh out of the army and decided to go to Austin Peay right outside Ft. Campbell where I had been stationed so all my army buddies were practically living there also so I know about high traffic homes.
The best way to hide money at home has and will always be a diversion safe or as some might call it a stash can. All you have to do is pick one that goes with the surroundings. If the stash can is for a female then something like a hairspray can that looks and feels like the real product will work perfect in her bathroom or in the bedroom.
There are candles that have been hollowed out so they have a secret compartment, for someone that likes to read there are books safes with secret compartments. If someone has a dog they can get a dog food stash can diversion safe that no one will ever know isn't the real thing. There are so many stash cans and diversion safes to choose from it's practically impossible to not find one that will look perfectly natural in any room of the house including the garage or workshop or even the shed out back.
Besides the fact someone you know or a friend of some you know might take your money or other valuables there's also the possibility that a burglar might break in and rummage through the house. Statistics have taught us that most burglars spend less than eight minutes in a home and for good reason. They don't want to get caught, they're main purpose is to scan the place and grab anything of value that can be easily carried out. Burglars don't have the time to be opening up every can in the house or dumping cleaning supplies down the sink that they found in the cabinet.
As a matter of fact diversion safes are so effective most police departments even recommend them for safeguarding your valuables at home. They are by far the best way to hide money and valuables right out in plain sight and no one will ever know the difference.

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