Health & Medical Parenting

Mystery Ride: Parenting a Challenging Child

Well would they ever look so happy again The handsome groom and his bride As they stepped into that long black limousine For their mystery ride -Bruce Springsteen Walk Like a Man Mystery Ride Do you remember the exact moment you conceived your child? Chances are you don't, but you probably have a general idea of when it happened.
Do you remember the moment you found out that you or your significant other was pregnant? Chances are you do.
I remember the rush of adrenaline, the excitement, the joy, the overwhelming feeling of responsibility, but, mostly, I remember that feeling of love.
Love for my wife, for the family we were about to create, and for my unborn child.
Love for the journey we were on and all of our future possibilities ahead.
Life is full of these moments.
There are moments when you see infinite possibilities.
Moments when there's hope for all the possible futures and the joy and wonder they may bring.
It's in those moments that there is not just one road ahead; rather there is one road with multiple branches leading to many possibilities.
In our naivete, eagerness, and happiness we don't realize we are about to enter upon a mystery ride.
Having a child is one of those moments.
You don't know what kind of child you're going to have but you do know that you have an abundance of love and hope for her.
When s/he is born there are endless beautiful possibilities ahead.
Then there come some twists and turns; soon you find yourself on an unfamiliar road in a neighborhood you don't recognize.
There's suddenly someone in your midst who doesn't speak the same language as you.
This is scary.
This is difficult.
You have to teach this little someone how to function in society.
Sometimes it may seem like an unbearable burden.
You may beat yourself up, you may cry, you may feel helpless, and you may be frustrated beyond belief.
These feelings weren't there when you started this ride.
There were no signs saying this was going to be difficult.
There were no signs saying you were going to get a child who has difficulties.
Life has just taken you on an unexpected branch.
Having a child who struggles with learning, language, emotions, or social interactions is extremely difficult.
There is often tremendous pressure on everyone in the family.
No one asks for this type of pressure or these difficulties.
When you are presented with them you try and solve the mystery, to help them succeed.
At times, it may feel like your heart is breaking because it's so difficult and frustrating.
That's because with all the love and hope you have for him, you still can't fix him.
You can only learn from each other and keep the road open so s/he can take his own mystery ride.

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